







有多少次寂寞 多少次孤單是我們要獨自去面對 獨自去承擔的

我們都需要個出口 好好的吶喊 大聲嘶吼


[Verse 1]
I'm slowly killing myself 慢性漸漸的自我謀殺
I'm trying so hard at the back of the shelf 在背後如此默默努力
It's just the same every day 每天過著同樣呆版的生活
I'm writing these songs that will never get played 寫著這些永遠不會被播放的歌曲 
I get told what's wrong and what's right 被教導著什麼為黑什麼為白
I don't have a romantic life 沒有什麼浪漫生活可言
And everyone's dying 每個人生命都將走到終點
So I keep on trying to make them proud before they are gone 在他們離開前 我會竭盡全力讓他們感到驕傲

Oh, can't someone help me 誰能來拯救我
Oh, please someone help me 拜託我乞求 誰快來拯救我
I don't care anyone, anything 無論是誰 是何物都好
'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely 早已厭倦獨自一人孤單寂寞
Miss all my family 想念我所有的家人
Oh, I don't care, anyone, anything 無論何人何物 早已無干
'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely 早已厭倦獨自被寂寞給侵蝕

[Verse 2]
I'm spending more than I earn 花費的總是大於所賺
Drink all the time to forget I'm not her 整天買醉 好忘記自己不是她
'Cause I go to parties sometimes 有時會去派對玩耍 
And I'll kiss a boy and pretend for the night 親吻男孩 自己假裝快樂
'Cause I don't know much about me 自己都不太了解自己
I'm still ashamed of who I used to be 依舊以以前的舊我為恥
So I try way too hard, but I still miss the mark to fit in 嘗試得太過頭 到頭來依舊無法適應
Fit in 融入人群

Help me 拯救我吧

Oh, please someone help me 拜託我乞求 誰快來拯救我
I don't care anyone, anything 無論是誰 是何物都好
'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely 早已厭倦獨自一人孤單寂寞
Miss all my family 想念我所有的家人
Oh, I don't care, anyone, anything 無論何人何物 早已無干
'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely 早已厭倦獨自被寂寞給侵蝕

I don't care, anyone, anything 無論是誰 是何物都好
'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely 早已厭倦獨自一人孤單寂寞

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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