Mariah Carey, Ariana Grande, and Jennifer Hudson Team Up on 'Oh Santa!' |  Rap-Up

耶斯 我大Mariah Christmas的season終於要來了

這次Mariah可說是用盡渾身解數 不光是推出了一部聖誕節的系列短片集Mariah Carey's Magic Special

同時也將他多年前的另一首聖誕經典Oh Santa!做了Remix更找來了兩大vocal powerhouse


這次編曲沒有什麼大變動 Mariah也是很明顯的C位vocal

但看到這三位同台飆歌 後面更是狂飆海豚音根本帶我們到野柳看海豚秀真的看到快哭好感人

"I finally know her"  —Mariah Carey


Oh, Santa's gon' come and make him mine this Christmas 聖誕奇蹟將臨 將你永遠占為己有
Oh, Santa's gon' come and make him mine 聖誕願望兌現 永遠與你賴在一起
Oh, Santa's gon' come and make him mine 今年耶誕節就你我我們緊不分離
Oh, Santa's gon' come and make him mine 聖誕老人就要來 讓你變成我的

[Verse 1]
Santa, if you get this letter, won't you help me out? 聖誕老公公若你收到這封信 能否請你幫我實現願望
I know you're kind of busy with your elves right now 知道你很忙碌 忙著和精靈商量計畫
And I don't know how 我不知你是如何做到
You do the things you do when I sleep on Christmas Eve 在聖誕夜時製造那麼多美好奇蹟
But it's amazing 這一切真是美好無比
And I bet you can bring me back my baby 我相信你一定能為我找到愛人
Because every time I see Christmas lights 每到聖誕時節我總是看到炫目光芒 
I feel this void inside and I just can't take it 閃耀奪目使我混亂 難以承受被迷倒

I saw them shopping last week 看見他們購物作樂
And his new girl was so bleak 那個女孩看來是那樣黯淡無光
And then I swore to myself 於是向自己發誓
Santa's gonna come and mike him mine this Christmas night 聖誕夜時我一定會讓他重回我身邊

Ho, ho, ho
Santa's gon' make him minе this Christmas 聖誕奇蹟將臨 將你永遠占為己有
Santa's gon' make him mine this Christmas, ho, ho, ho 聖誕願望兌現 永遠與你賴在一起
Santa's gon' make him minе this Christmas night 聖誕老公公就要來 讓你變成我的

[Verse 2]
Oh, Santa, I heard that it's really gonna snow this year 聽說今年會是個大雪漫漫的冷冬
So, I hope Rudolph and them other eight reindeer get you safely here 希望魯道夫和牠的夥伴會讓你安全抵達
So, you can scoop him up right down my chimney 好讓你悄悄鑽進我家的煙囪
I've been really, really, really good this year 今年我表現是那樣的乖巧優秀
So, I put on that red suit and make him appear 套上這件紅色套裝讓他現身
Because Christmas cheer just ain't the same without my baby 因為聖誕雀躍少了我的寶貝就不對味 
Come on ol' Kris Kringle, save me 來吧聖誕老人 求求你拯救我

They say it's unrealistic, but I believe in Saint Nick 他們說這太不現實 但我依舊相信聖誕老人的存在 
So, grant this wish for me right quick 許下願望 希望他能為我兌現
Santa won't you come and make him mine this Christmas night? 聖誕老人告訴我今晚你會來實現我的願望

Ho, ho, ho
Santa's gon' make him mine this Christmas 聖誕奇蹟將臨 將你永遠占為己有
Santa's gon' make him mine this Christmas, ho, ho, ho 聖誕願望兌現 永遠與你賴在一起
Santa's gon' make him mine this Christmas night 聖誕老公公就要來 讓你變成我的
Ho, ho, ho
Santa's gon' make him mine this Christmas 聖誕奇蹟將臨 將你永遠占為己有
Santa's gon' make him mine this Christmas, ho, ho, ho 聖誕願望兌現 永遠與你賴在一起
Santa's gon' make him mine this Christmas night 聖誕老公公就要來 讓你變成我的

[Verse 3]
Oh, Santa Claus, if you get this letter, please don't make me wait 聖誕老人收到信條請別讓我苦苦守候
All December I've been counting down the days 整個十二月都在倒數著你的到來
So, hop on your sleigh 請跳上你的雪橇
I promise I won't forget milk and cookies 保證會好好招待你
The tree's all sparkly and gold 聖誕樹也妝點的閃耀美麗
But inside I feel so cold 內心是如此寒冷
So, as soon as you leave the North Pole 一旦你離開了北極
Santa won't you come make him mine this Christmas? 這個聖誕你能否讓他成為我的人

[Chorus: Background Vocalists, Mariah Carey, Jennifer Hudson, (Ariana Grande)]
Santa's gon' come and make him mine, ho, ho, ho 聖誕奇蹟將臨 將你永遠占為己有
(Santa's gon' come and make him mine) (聖誕願望兌現 永遠與你賴在一起)
Santa's gon' come and make him mine this christmas 聖誕老公公就要來 讓你變成我的
(Oh, I know you will) (你一定會來的)
Santa's gon' come and make him mine, ho, ho, ho (Whoa, whoa) 聖誕奇蹟將臨 將你永遠占為己有
Santa's gon' come and make him mine, mine (Santa) 聖誕願望兌現 永遠與你賴在一起
(Hey, I know he will) (我知道他一定會來)
Santa's gon' come and make him mine, ho, ho, ho 聖誕老公公就要來 讓你變成我的
Santa's gon' come and make him mine this Christmas 聖誕老公公就要來 讓你變成我的
Santa's gon' come and make him mine, ho, ho, ho 聖誕奇蹟將臨 將你永遠占為己有
Santa's gon' come and make him mine, mine 聖誕願望兌現 永遠與你賴在一起

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