Cover art for MOON CYCLE by Melanie Martinez



Melanie 說這首歌就是要將月事這種生命的一個自然發生的事情

用一個有趣 輕快的節奏跟旋律來包裝 

大家對月經總覺得這對女人來說是一個痛苦 是一個需要忍耐的象徵


Um... 對 Period sex 非常著迷的男性(無誤)

以歌曲調性在專輯裡的性質我會定義它是一首很 cute 的 Interlude

它歌曲長度雖短短的 但蘊含的意義也是非常深遠的


[Verse 1]
"Why you always act so serious?" 為何你總看來這麼嚴肅
I said, "Baby boy, you know I'm on my period," yuh 我說親愛的我現在月經來了 
He bit the cherry down, he’s delirious 嚐了禁果後他便無法自拔
Seein' red figures in his mirrors and 看見鏡中映出那血紅
Actin' like a real tough, furious 裝得像個硬漢 如此粗暴進入
Blood-swimmin’ turned him amphibious 血中涉泳把他變得水陸兩棲
He says he doesn't care, that he's into this 說他絲毫不在意 他很喜歡這樣
It happens every time a new season hits 每次週期輪迴總會重演一次

Skin ready for my heavy daily creme, I keep it handy 每天肌膚塗抹乳霜 讓自己隨時做好準備
Womb shedding any lessons, making room for blessings 子宮內膜剝落 為了幸福安置好空間
Juice melting like raspberry, pomegranate 汁水涎滴 若覆盆子石榴那般鮮紅
It's so scary how my aura got him howling at my moon cycle, baby 氣場過強讓他總在我經期來時對我渴求不已 

[Verse 2]
Now he kissin' on the ground that I walk on 凡我走過之處他都要留下吻記
Tryna get another taste, but I'm all crampеd up 還想再翻覆一回 但我已痙攣難耐
Pain like a blade on the front lawn 痛得像在前院插把刀似的 
But I don't givе a fuck 'cause I’m so strong 但我絲毫不在意 因為我身強體壯
I don’t gotta act, I'm Ethereous 不需要假裝 我是刀槍不入的聖靈
I could win a fight on my period 與月事抗爭 勝者一定會是我
Matter of fact, right now, I could build a pyramid 事實上現在我就能搭座金字塔
You messin’ with my cycle, that is dangerous 想擾亂我的經期 這可危險無比

Skin ready for my heavy daily creme, I keep it handy 每天肌膚塗抹乳霜 讓自己隨時做好準備
Womb shedding any lessons, making room for blessings 子宮內膜剝落 為了幸福安置好空間
Juice melting like raspberry, pomegranate 汁水涎滴 若覆盆子石榴那般鮮紅
It's so scary how my aura got him howling at my moon cycle, baby 氣場過強讓他總在我經期來時對我渴求不已 

Moon cycle, baby 經期間也想享歡
Moon cycle, baby 月經期間 慾望高漲
Moon cycle, baby 經期間也想享歡
Moon cycle, baby 月經期間 慾望高漲

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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