Cover art for Nosedive by BoyWithUke



將你推到至高處 栽培的好好 最終又得是一個人獨自面對人生道路

一段感情又曾不是如此 細心呵護小心經營 但真的彼此都準備好未來該如何走嗎


我們都會成長 我們也都會迷失自我 然而在面對人生時 

與其操之過急 還不如一步一腳印 踏實的走一步算一步


We're all grown up, we're all so lost 我們都長大了 卻也都迷失方向
Nothing has prepped us for this life 對自己人生從未有過任何準備
It's like we don't know why 完全不知自己為何而生
Nose divin' from the high 一切狀況急轉直下
We're all grown up, we're all so lost 我們都長大了 卻也都迷失方向
Nothing has prepped us for this life 對自己人生從未有過任何準備
It's like we don't know why 完全不知自己為何而生
Nose divin' from the high 一切狀況急轉直下

[Verse 1]
I won't let the memories fade 不會讓記憶隨時間消逝
Hazel eyes and summer shades 那對淡褐雙眼 配上那副夏日墨鏡
Hair on fire, hand grenades 髮色火紅 配上手榴彈酒
I won't get up out my bed 讓我不想從床上起身
I can't get you out my head 無法將你從腦海抹去
I hope I don't end up dead 希望最後別想到上西天

Oh, no
I'm sick of convеrsations in the dark 受夠蒙在鼓裡間的對話
I don't know where you arе 不知道此時你在何處

We're all grown up, we're all so lost 我們都長大了 卻也都迷失方向
Nothing has prepped us for this life 對自己人生從未有過任何準備
It's like we don't know why 完全不知自己為何而生
Nose divin' from the high 一切狀況急轉直下
We're all grown up, we're all so lost 我們都長大了 卻也都迷失方向
Nothing has prepped us for this life 對自己人生從未有過任何準備
It's like we don't know why 完全不知自己為何而生
Nose divin' from the high 一切狀況急轉直下

Nose divin', nose divin' from the high 措手不及從高處急衝而下
Nose divin', nose divin' from the high 沒有準備 一切急轉直下

[Verse 2]
No matter where I go, I can never be alone 無論去到何處 我都不甘寂寞
I can open up my phone but I can't open up my throat 鍵盤對話可以 開口說話卻難若登天
'Cause my thoughts will overflow, they been praying on my lows 因為思想會氾濫 利用我內心的低潮情緒
I know how to lie but I don't know how to cope 知道如何撒謊 卻不知如何應對一切

Oh, no
I'm sick of convеrsations in the dark 受夠蒙在鼓裡間的對話
I don't know where you arе 不知道此時你在何處

We're all grown up, we're all so lost 我們都長大了 卻也都迷失方向
Nothing has prepped us for this life 對自己人生從未有過任何準備
It's like we don't know why 完全不知自己為何而生
Nose divin' from the high 一切狀況急轉直下
We're all grown up, we're all so lost 我們都長大了 卻也都迷失方向
Nothing has prepped us for this life 對自己人生從未有過任何準備
It's like we don't know why 完全不知自己為何而生
Nose divin' from the high 一切狀況急轉直下

I don't wanna fake it 不想假裝一切沒事
I just have to make it up along as it goes 只需要一步步跟上腳步就好
I don't wanna take it 不想接受這一切
I just have to make it up along as it goes 只需要一步步跟上腳步就好

We're all grown up, we're all so lost 我們都長大了 卻也都迷失方向
Nothing has prepped us for this life 對自己人生從未有過任何準備
It's like we don't know why 完全不知自己為何而生
Nose divin' from the high 一切狀況急轉直下
We're all grown up, we're all so lost 我們都長大了 卻也都迷失方向
Nothing has prepped us for this life 對自己人生從未有過任何準備
It's like we don't know why 完全不知自己為何而生
Nose divin' from the high 一切狀況急轉直下

Nose divin', nose divin' from the high 措手不及從高處急衝而下
Nose divin', nose divin' from the high 沒有準備 一切急轉直下
Nose divin', nose divin' from the high 措手不及從高處急衝而下
Nose divin', nose divin' from the high 沒有準備 一切急轉直下

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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