「alec benjamin gotta be a reason」的圖片搜尋結果


前一篇我們剛討論了If I Killed Soemone

接下來來討論這首Gotta Be A Reason

這首一釋出我就超級愛的 有空的話我可能會為它做部影片喔♥(IIKS也會~)








There's gotta be a reason that I'm here on Earth 為何我生在地球 這必定有個理由
Gotta be a reason for the dust and the dirt 再小的塵土灰塵都有它存在的理由及意義
The changing of the seasons never changed my hurt 四季再怎麼遞嬗交替 也無法改變我內心的傷痕
So what's it worth? What's it worth? 所以說究竟什麼是值得的 這到底值不值得
Worth another shot of whiskey and another sip of gin 值得為之乾下一杯威士忌和一杯琴酒
Another drop of poison that is slowly sinking in 更多的痛苦磨練正悄悄深入中
If we're going down together, better take another hit 若我們選擇一同迎擊 最好一起承受再一次的打擊
We won't be here forever, so let's make the best of it 我們之間沒有所謂的永恆 就讓我們好好珍惜現在吧

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

[Verse 1]
Walking down to the burial ground 踏著步伐  漫步在這墓園
With a sad song in his brain 腦海裡播放著傷心的歌曲
General Cloud is an old man now 昔日光榮上將 如今淪為滄桑老人
But it feels like yesterday 但那感覺像昨天回憶而已
He was on the front lines, stranded on the beach 前線奮力作戰 在海灘匍匐前進
Crawling to his best friend, floating in the sea 爬向他最好的朋友 浮在海中的老友
But he didn't make it, he still can't believe 但他沒有成功做到 至今他依然不敢相信
How arbitrary fate is, he says 生命是如此無常殘酷 他這麼說

There's gotta be a reason that I'm here on Earth 為何我生在地球 這必定有個理由
Gotta be a reason for the dust and the dirt 再小的塵土灰塵都有它存在的理由及意義
The changing of the seasons never changed my hurt 四季再怎麼遞嬗交替 也無法改變我內心的傷痕
So what's it worth? What's it worth? 所以說究竟什麼是值得的 這到底值不值得
Worth another shot of whiskey and another sip of gin 值得為之乾下一杯威士忌和一杯琴酒
Another drop of poison that is slowly sinking in 更多的痛苦磨練正悄悄深入中
If we're going down together, better take another hit 若我們選擇一同迎擊 最好一起承受再一次的打擊
We won't be here forever, so let's make the best of it 我們之間沒有所謂的永恆 就讓我們好好珍惜現在吧

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

[Verse 2]
She went down to her job in town 為了工作 她每天都要進城奮鬥
With a sad song in her heart 心中播放著傷心的歌
33 with a wasted dream to become a movie star 三十三歲 帶著一個電影明星的破碎美夢
Living out a suitcase, serving at a bar 身邊沒有行囊 在酒吧為人服務
Saving up some pennies, working after dark 每天努力攢錢存錢 天色黑了也不懈怠
Is she gonna make it? She still can't believe 她是否能熬出一片天 她自己仍然不敢相信
How arbitrary fate is, she says 生命是如此難以捉摸 她是這麼說的

There's gotta be a reason that I'm here on Earth 為何我生在地球 這必定有個理由
Gotta be a reason for the dust and the dirt 再小的塵土灰塵都有它存在的理由及意義
The changing of the seasons never changed my hurt 四季再怎麼遞嬗交替 也無法改變我內心的傷痕
So what's it worth? What's it worth? 所以說究竟什麼是值得的 這到底值不值得
Worth another shot of whiskey and another sip of gin 值得為之乾下一杯威士忌和一杯琴酒
Another drop of poison that is slowly sinking in 更多的痛苦磨練正悄悄深入中
If we're going down together, better take another hit 若我們選擇一同迎擊 最好一起承受再一次的打擊
We won't be here forever, so let's make the best of it 我們之間沒有所謂的永恆 就讓我們好好珍惜現在吧

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

There's gotta be a reason that I'm here on Earth 為何我生在地球 這必定有個理由
Gotta be a reason for the dust and the dirt 再小的塵土灰塵都有它存在的理由及意義
The changing of the seasons never changed my hurt 四季再怎麼遞嬗交替 也無法改變我內心的傷痕
So what's it worth? What's it worth? 所以說究竟什麼是值得的 這到底值不值得
Worth another shot of whiskey and another sip of gin 值得為之乾下一杯威士忌和一杯琴酒
Another drop of poison that is slowly sinking in 更多的痛苦磨練正悄悄深入中
If we're going down together, better take another hit 若我們選擇一同迎擊 最好一起承受再一次的打擊
We won't be here forever, so let's make the best of it 我們之間沒有所謂的永恆 就讓我們好好珍惜現在吧

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh



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