
「Alec Benjamin - The Boy In The Bubble audio」的圖片搜尋結果

第一次聽到他是在電視上看到Let Me Down Slowly的中文MV




他的歌都很簡單也很舒服 而且聲音也不是一般男歌手的那種聲音(我也無法定義那是什麼意思哈哈哈)

總之就是很獨特 很特別 感覺他變聲期只變一半那種感覺(這是誇獎)


裡面非常推薦<I Bult A Friend><Let Me Down Slowly><The Water Fountain>

這幾首我都非常推薦 可能最近身陷讀書之苦 感覺比較少聽嗨歌了 加上最近的嗨歌大多都不是我喜歡的路線(Sorry我對拉丁風比較沒輒)


如上述而言 Alec有很多很棒的歌

其中我最喜歡這首The Boy In The Bubble 不光是歌詞寫得很好 而且也很洗腦

歌詞寫得非常順 順到你會漸漸隨著音樂起舞 也漸漸進到歌的境界裡

敘述了一點與世隔絕 與世人不同的那種孤寂感 也有帶進一些關於霸凌的描寫 翻起來其實滿沉重的 

目前感覺他還不太紅 希望他接下來會紅起來


[Verse 1]
It was 6:48, I was walking home 晚上六點四十八分 我正在回家途中
Stepped through the gate, and I'm all alone 穿越大門 只剩我隻身一人
I had chicken on the plate, but the food was cold 盤子上有雞肉 但食物都是冷的
Then I covered up my face so that no one knows 用手掩住我的臉 大家才不會知道
I didn't want trouble, I'm the boy in the bubble 我不想要惹麻煩 我只是個孤僻男孩
But then came trouble 但麻煩馬上隨來
When my mom walked into the living room 當我的母親踏進客廳時
She said, "Boy, you gotta tell me what they did to you" 她說 男孩 你得告訴我他們對你幹了什麼
I said, "You don't wanna know the things I had to do" 我說 妳不會想知道我必須做的事是什麼的
She said, "Son, you gotta tell me why you're black and blue" 她說 兒子你得告訴我 為何你滿臉鼻青臉腫
I said I didn't want trouble, I'm the boy in the bubble 我說我不想要惹麻煩 我只是個無法融入人群的怪男孩
But then came trouble 但麻煩隨之而來

And my heart was pumping, chest was screaming 心臟狂跳 內心狂喊著
Mind was running, air was freezing 思想運行著 空氣瞬間凝結 
Put my hands up, put my hands up 雙手高舉 將我的手高舉
I told this kid I'm ready for a fight 告訴這孩子 準備好要來好好打一架

Punch my face, do it 'cause I like the pain 狂揍我的臉 愛上了那疼痛感
Every time you curse my name 每一次你詛咒我的名
I know you want the satisfaction, it's not gonna happen 我知道你追求那滿足感 但我不會讓那發生
Knock me out, kick me when I'm on the ground 擊敗我 把我踢倒跌落在地上
It's only gonna let you down 這只會讓你灰心喪志
Come the lightning and the thunder 雷電交加 迎面襲來
You're the one who'll suffer, suffer 你會是唯一一個痛苦的人 深陷煎熬

[Verse 2]
Well I squared him up, left my chest exposed 壓制住他 內心快感表露無遺
He threw a quick left hook and it broke my nose 他迅速給我一個左拳還擊 打斷我的鼻子
I had thick red blood running down my clothes 血流如注 沾到我的衣服上
And a sick, sick look 'cause I like it though 露出病態的神情 因為我喜愛這種感覺
I said I didn't want trouble, I'm the boy in the bubble 我說我不想要惹麻煩 我只是個脆弱孤單的男孩
But then came trouble 但麻煩接踵而來

And my heart was pumping, chest was screaming 心臟狂跳 內心狂喊著
Mind was running, nose was bleeding 思想運行著 鼻子正在流血
Put my hands up, put my hands up 雙手高舉 將我的手高舉
I told this kid I'm ready for a fight 告訴這孩子 準備好要來好好打一架

Punch my face, do it 'cause I like the pain 狂揍我的臉 愛上了那疼痛感
Every time you curse my name 每一次你詛咒我的名
I know you want the satisfaction, it's not gonna happen 我知道你追求那滿足感 但我不會讓那發生
Knock me out, kick me when I'm on the ground 擊敗我 把我踢倒跌落在地上
It's only gonna let you down 這只會讓你灰心喪志
Come the lightning and the thunder 雷電交加 迎面襲來
You're the one who'll suffer 你會是唯一一個痛苦的人 

[Verse 3]
It was 6:48, he was walking home 晚上六點四十八分 他也在歸途上
With the blood on his hand from my broken nose 手上都是我那斷鼻劉出的血
But like every other day, he was scared to go 就像每一天一樣 他很害怕回去
Back to his house 'cause his pops was home 回去他的家 因為他的父親也在家
Drowning his troubles in whiskey bubbles 沉溺酒精 威士忌灌個不停
Just looking for trouble 到處去找各種麻煩
Well, there's no excuse for the things he did 他所做的事是不能找藉口的
But there's a lot at home that he's dealing with 但在家他也有很多要處理的麻煩
Because his dad's been drunk since he was a kid 因為他父親在他年幼時就是個酗酒酒鬼
And I hope one day that he'll say to him 盼望有一天他會告訴他
Put down those bubbles and that belt buckle 放下酒杯還有那皮帶扣
In this broken bubble 在這破碎的虛幻裡

Punch my face, do it 'cause I like the pain 狂揍我的臉 愛上了那疼痛感
Every time you curse my name 每一次你詛咒我的名
I know you want the satisfaction, it's not gonna happen 我知道你追求那滿足感 但我不會讓那發生
Knock me out, kick me when I'm on the ground 擊敗我 把我踢倒跌落在地上
It's only gonna let you down 這只會讓你灰心喪志
Come the lightning and the thunder 雷電交加 迎面襲來
You're the one who'll suffer, suffer 你會是唯一一個痛苦的人 深陷煎熬



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